AI AutoBots Pro Review – Revolutionize Customer Engagement with Intelligent AutoBots

AI AutoBots Pro Review Plus, OTO, Bundle Fast Pass Details

Welcome to my AI AutoBots Pro review.

Artificial intelligence and chatbots have taken the world by storm. Every business today strives to utilize AI to automate processes, engage better with customers, and drive more sales. One such powerful AI-driven tool is AI AutoBots Pro.

AI AutoBots Pro is a game changing software that allows you to create intelligent AutoBots in under 60 seconds. These AutoBots can be trained to handle customer queries, generate more leads, increase sales, and boost engagement for your business or clients’ businesses.

In this detailed review, we will dive deep into all aspects of AI AutoBots Pro, its features, how it works, pricing, OTOs and more.

Overview of AI AutoBots Pro

AI AutoBots Pro is created by renowned internet marketer and software developer Karthik Ramani. He is known for rolling out products that solve real-world business problems using latest technologies.

With AI AutoBots Pro, Karthik aims to help businesses tackle one of the biggest challenges – engaging with customers and being available to address their concerns 24/7.

The core USP of AI AutoBots Pro is its ability to create intelligent AutoBots or chatbots tailored to your business within 60 seconds.

These AutoBots once trained can have natural conversations with your customers and website visitors to:

  • Handle customer queries 24/7
  • Generate more leads
  • Increase sales and profits
  • Boost engagement
  • Enhance customer satisfaction

The AutoBots are powered by advanced artificial intelligence with natural language processing capabilities. So they can understand queries and respond almost like humans.

In a nutshell, AI AutoBots Pro helps businesses:

  • Be available 24/7 for customers and prospects
  • Get higher conversions from existing traffic
  • Increase sales and profits
  • Generate more leads
  • Reduce customer support costs
  • Improve customer satisfaction

As per research, chatbots can help businesses increase sales by 67%, generate 35% more leads and reduce customer support costs by 30%. No wonder even big brands are relying on chatbots and AI.

With AI AutoBots Pro, now even small businesses and solopreneurs can reap the benefits of AI and chatbots without needing any technical skills.

Why Do Businesses Need AI AutoBots Pro?

Before we get into the features of AI AutoBots Pro, let’s understand why it is becoming an absolute necessity for modern businesses across niches.

Your Customers Expect Instant Response

We live in an age of instant gratification. Your customers expect answers and solutions to their queries immediately.

As per a Hubspot report:

  • 82% of consumers think that an immediate response is important when they ask a marketing or sales question.
  • 90% of consumers believe an immediate response is crucial when they have a customer service query.
  • Customers perceive “immediate” as 10 minutes or less.

If you cannot respond promptly, chances are your customers will abandon your business and turn to a competitor who can offer speedy service.

Having an AI Autobot that’s available 24/7 to address queries in real-time is thus becoming a necessity. It prevents losing sales and dissatisfied customers due to delays in response.

You Cannot Be Available to Customers 24/7

As a business owner or service provider, it is humanly impossible for you to engage with customers and respond to their queries round the clock.

You need to sleep, take breaks and cannot work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

But your business doesn’t sleep! Queries and demands keep pouring in regardless of whether it’s day or night.

If you aren’t available to provide support when customers need it, you end up missing out on sales and leads. The best time to make a sale is when a customer has shown interest in your offering and is ready to buy.

You need a solution like AI AutoBots Pro that can step in and respond to queries even while you are away so that you never lose a prospect.

Loss of Sales Due to Lack of Prompt Response

Imagine a customer lands on your website or store looking to make a purchase. But they need some clarification or have a question before deciding.

If you aren’t available to respond promptly and provide the answers sought, chances are the customer will abandon and turn to another seller.

As per statistics, about 67% of shopping carts are abandoned by customers mostly because their queries are not answered in time.

AI Autobots can prevent such loss of sales by offering real-time support and answers to prospects. It keeps them engaged until they are ready to make a buying decision.

Difficult to Scale Customer Support

For many businesses, the cost of scaling up customer support with more staff can be prohibitive.

But compromising on customer service is also not an option in today’s highly competitive markets.

AI chatbots offer the best of both worlds. They can handle unlimited customer queries simultaneously without you having to spend on hiring more support reps.

So AI AutoBots Pro provides a cost-effective method to offer 24/7 support and scale up or down as per demand.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

An estimated 25% of all customer support costs are spent on answering repetitive queries that could easily be handled by a chatbot.

Freed from mundane tasks, human reps can focus on solving more complex issues and offering a more personalized service.

This results in enhanced customer satisfaction, lower wait times and optimal utilization of support staff.

In light of the above benefits, it’s evident why AI-powered AutoBots are becoming indispensable for customer-centric businesses.

Key Features of AI AutoBots Pro

Now let’s look at some of the amazing features offered by AI AutoBots Pro:

Train AutoBots in Under 60 Seconds

The biggest highlight of AI AutoBots Pro is how quickly and easily you can create AutoBots tailored to your business.

There are 3 simple steps to create and train an AutoBot:

  1. Create a campaign and choose a data source like a web page URL, text, PDF or FAQ.
  2. Customize the look and feel of your AutoBot.
  3. Get a code snippet to embed the AutoBot on your website, landing pages, etc.

That’s it! In less than 60 seconds you have a fully trained AutoBot ready to engage customers and handle queries.

Such swift bot training provides enormous time savings compared to building chatbots from scratch.

Even those with zero technical skills can train AutoBots for their business without any hassles.

Train Using Multiple Data Sources

AI AutoBots Pro offers different options to train the bot as per your needs:

  • Website or landing page URL – The AutoBot will crawl the page and learn all the information.
  • Text content – Directly copy-paste any text for the AutoBot to learn.
  • PDF or Documents – Upload a file and the AutoBot will ingest its content.
  • FAQs – Train the bot by providing existing FAQs relevant to your offering.
  • Multiple sources – You can even combine website URL, text, documents and FAQs for training.

Such flexibility allows you to train the AutoBot with exactly the type and depth of information you need.

Advanced NLP for Human-like Conversations

The conversations between your customers and the AutoBots will feel completely natural thanks to AI capabilities.

The AutoBots are powered by advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning.

So they can understand the context and intent behind queries and respond accordingly like a human representative.

Unlike rigid chatbots, these AutoBots are dynamic and provide the most appropriate, helpful answers tailored to each question.

Embed AutoBots Anywhere

Once trained, embedding your intelligent AutoBots anywhere is a breeze.

You can add AutoBots via a simple code snippet on:

  • Your website
  • Landing pages
  • Lead capture forms
  • Thank you pages
  • Checkout pages
  • Online stores
  • Sales funnels

Basically any web page where you want to boost engagement and conversions.

The AutoBots can also be added as floating widgets. So they are always accessible to website visitors.

Such flexibility allows you to make the AutoBots available across customer touchpoints.

Lead Generation

The AutoBots have inbuilt capabilities to capture leads from your website traffic.

Visitors can opt-in by signing up through the chatbot widget or embedded form.

The leads collected are automatically synced to top autoresponder services like MailChimp, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign etc.

So you can not only engage visitors but also convert them into leads for your business.

Analytics and Insights

To help you refine your customer engagement strategy, AI AutoBots Pro provides useful analytics.

You can check metrics like:

  • Questions asked
  • Answers given
  • Number of conversations
  • Lead captured
  • Which pages get most queries

These insights allow understanding pain points and optimizing AutoBots to deliver better results.

AutoBot Customization

AI AutoBots Pro Review - Create a Campaign and Customize

Though ready to use in under a minute, you still get options to customize the look and feel of AutoBots.

You can add:

  • Custom bot avatar image
  • Custom logo
  • Custom background image
  • Custom colors
  • Welcome message

Such branding ensures consistency with your business image.

Appointment Scheduling

For service providers like doctors, lawyers etc. scheduling appointments is crucial.

The AutoBots have inbuilt integration with appointment scheduling apps like Calendly and Acuity.

Visitors can easily book appointments through the AutoBot chat without leaving your website.

Social Profile Links

You can add links to your social media profiles like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. in the AutoBot chat window.

This helps convert website visitors into followers/subscribers thus growing your social presence.

Feedback and Surveys

Collecting first-hand feedback from customers is invaluable for business growth.

AI AutoBots Pro enables adding surveys and feedback forms into the chat flow.

So you can gather customer sentiments and reviews within conversations and make data driven decisions.

Offer Coupons or Discounts

For ecommerce sites, AutoBots can be used strategically to provide coupon codes and personalized discounts to boost sales.

Based on certain user actions like time spent on site, pages visited etc. the AutoBot can pop out with a special offer that prompts buying.

AutoBot Campaign Management

You can run multiple AutoBot campaigns from different workspaces within your account.

This allows managing different clients or projects from a single dashboard.

You can update, pause or delete campaigns anytime required. Access permissions for team members can also be set up.

Commercial License Included

AI AutoBots Pro comes with a commercial license allowing you to create and sell AutoBots to clients for hefty fees.

A huge opportunity to build a thriving AI bots agency business without any technical skills.

These are some of the most useful features of AI AutoBots Pro. But there are even more advanced capabilities offered as part of OTOs.

How Does AI AutoBots Pro Work?

AI AutoBots Pro Review - How Does AI AutoBots Pro Work?

Now that we’ve seen the features on offer, let’s understand briefly how the app works:

  1. First, you have to sign up and login to your AI AutoBots Pro account.
  2. Within the dashboard, you can create multiple campaigns under different workspaces.
  3. To train an AutoBot, create a new campaign and pick your data source – website URL, text, document etc.
  4. The AI will crawl the source and ingest all information to learn about your business. This takes just seconds.
  5. Next, customize your AutoBot – add a logo, images, colors, social links etc. to match brand identity.
  6. Get the embed code for your AI Bot and add it anywhere on your website via copy-paste.
  7. As visitors land on your site and interact with the bot, it will answer their queries using NLP.
  8. The Bot can also capture leads via opt-in forms and sync them to your email autoresponder.
  9. Using the dashboard, you can keep monitoring analytics to refine the AutoBot and results.

That sums up the step-by-step working. As you can see, the entire process is designed to be newbie-friendly requiring zero technical expertise.

Why Choose AI AutoBots Pro Over Other Chatbots?

There are certainly other chatbot tools in the market. But here are some factors that make AI AutoBots Pro a smarter choice:

✔️ Easy Bot Training

Other chatbots require complex bot building and training. But AI AutoBots Pro lets you train bots in under 60 seconds.

✔️ Advanced AI Capabilities

Many chatbots rely on simple keyword triggers. But AI AutoBots Pro uses advanced NLP for dynamic human-like conversations.

✔️ Flexible Embedding

You can embed AI AutoBots Pro on any webpage or as floating widgets. Other chatbots have limited embedding options.

✔️ Lead Generation

Inbuilt lead capture forms and autoresponder integration to convert traffic into leads is a huge benefit.

✔️ Analytics

Get detailed insights into customer questions and engagement for continuous improvement.

✔️ Commercial License

AI AutoBots Pro offers a commercial license to build an agency business unlike other tools.

✔️ No Learning Curve

The entire process is designed to be super-easy for anyone to use without prior experience.

Clearly, AI AutoBots Pro beats competitors on all fronts in terms of simplicity, advanced capabilities and commercial potential.

Who Can Benefit from AI AutoBots Pro?

Virtually any business that has an online presence can gain from deploying AI AutoBots Pro including:

  • Ecommerce stores
  • Service providers
  • Coaches / Consultants
  • Real estate agents
  • Lawyers
  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Salons
  • Gym & yoga studios
  • Pet care services
  • Digital marketing agencies
  • Schools & tuition classes
  • Blogs
  • Affiliate marketers

And many more. Basically if you run any kind of website for your business, you can use AI AutoBots Pro to boost engagement and sales.

Even individuals can use it to create personal branding by sharing AI business cards.

AI AutoBots Pro Pricing

AI AutoBots Pro is currently available at these deals:

Frontend – $47

The frontend lets you create 10 workspaces and 100 AutoBot campaigns per workspace. You can train bots via multiple data sources.

Other key features are:

  • Embed AutoBots on any page
  • Lead generation
  • AutoResponder integration
  • Conversation analytics
  • Custom branding
  • Commercial license

Great value providing all core features needed for most use cases.

Get AI AutoBots Pro Frontend Now ↗

AI AutoBots Pro Advanced – $77

This is the first OTO offering additional advanced features:

  • Unlimited workspaces and campaigns
  • Remove branding
  • Engagement booster
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Feedback surveys
  • Offer coupons
  • Custom widgets and images
  • Priority support

Ideal for power users who need to run multiple AutoBot campaigns and want maximum customization.

Click Here to Check Out AI AutoBots Pro Advanced ↗

AI AutoBots Pro Template Club – $37

The second OTO provides access to 100+ professionally designed templates across 20+ niches.

You get pre-made AutoBot designs for industries like legal, beauty, healthcare, marketing, sports, travel etc.

20+ new templates are added each month for 1 year.

Invaluable for anyone who wants high-converting AutoBot designs fast without needing design skills.

See AI AutoBots Pro Template Club Details Here ↗

AI AutoBots Pro Business – $47

This upgrade unlocks the full business potential of AI AutoBots Pro.

You get agency rights to sell AutoBot services to unlimited clients. A separate agency dashboard is provided.

A complete done-for-you package including sales videos, website, ad copies etc. is also offered to kickstart your agency.

Ideal for users keen to build a profitable AI bots agency.

More Details on AI AutoBots Pro Business Upgrade ↗

AI AutoBots Pro Reseller – $147

This OTO provides 100 licenses that you can sell to other users. You get to keep 100% profits.

A full suite of marketing materials is provided to help you sell the product licenses quickly.

Perfect for seasoned marketers who want to profit by selling this powerful software.

Full Overview of AI AutoBots Pro Reseller Deal ↗

AI AutoBots Pro PEP Special – $47

A bonus OTO that unlocks the full potential of AI AutoBots Pro by integrating it with ChatGPT.

You get 10,000+ proven ChatGPT prompts to get stellar results. Advanced features like video creation using AI content are also offered.

Must-have for anyone who wants to maximize outcomes from this AI software.

See AI AutoBots Pro PEP Special Details ↗

AI AutoBots Pro JusTap Special – $47

An additional OTO providing 1st-of-its-kind NFC technology software – JusTap.

It allows creating contactless business cards, lead gen campaigns, payment collection etc. for local businesses using just smartphone taps.

Innovative bonus offer that perfectly complements the AI bots product.

AI AutoBots Pro FastPass – $263

This bundled package includes access to all the above OTOs at a special discounted price.

It offers the ultimate combination of AI AutoBots Pro along with advanced features, templates, agency rights, reseller licenses, ChatGPT integration and NFC mobile technology.

A must-have option for power users who want the complete suite to maximize ROI.

Full Details on AI AutoBots Pro FastPass Bundle ↗

Verdict – Should You Get AI AutoBots Pro?

AI-powered chatbots are transitioning from a nice-to-have to an essential aspect of modern businesses. AI AutoBots Pro makes the benefits of conversational AI accessible even for non-techies.

For just $47, you get a commercial-grade bot building software that can be deployed across touchpoints to drive more sales and leads.

The easy training, advanced AI, flexible embedding and included commercial license add immense potential.

For established businesses, the agency rights OTO is great to profit from the multi-billion chatbot industry.

While the reseller OTO is perfect for marketers who want to profit from selling this powerful software.

The myriad bonuses like NFC mobile technology, DFY templates and ChatGPT integration provide even greater capabilities.

On the whole, AI AutoBots Pro is packed with value providing all one needs to leverage AI and chatbots for business growth.

It comes highly recommended for anyone serious about boosting customer engagement, leads and revenue in the modern business environment.


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