High Achiever Society Review – Is It Worth Your Time & Money

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High Achiever Society Review:

Do you ever feel stuck in a job you dislike? Or wish you had more time and money to spend with family and pursue hobbies? Many of us want to escape the 9-5 rat race and live life on our own terms. But it can seem impossible to build a successful online business.

I’ve been there too. After years of unfulfilling jobs, I was craving a way out. The problem was I had no idea how to build an online income and achieve the freedom I desired.

That’s why I was intrigued when I came across High Achiever Society. Founded by Philip Johansen, it promises to teach you how to leverage Instagram, AI, and high-ticket digital products to create an automated, lucrative online business.

Could this be the answer I had been searching for? In this extensive blog post, I’ll share my complete review of High Achiever Society after joining myself. I’ll cover how it works, what’s included, the pros and cons, and ultimately whether it’s worth the investment for ambitious individuals wanting to achieve financial freedom.

I’ll also answer the biggest questions like:

  • Is High Achiever Society a scam?
  • How much does it cost?
  • What results can you expect?

Let’s dive in!

What is High Achiever Society?

High Achiever Society Review - What is it

The High Achiever Society is an online education and coaching program founded by Philip Johansen. It aims to provide the knowledge, skills, and community needed to build a successful online business and achieve your goals.

In a nutshell, the High Achiever Society teaches you how to:

  • Sell high-ticket digital products and leverage recurring revenue
  • Automate much of your business using AI
  • Drive traffic and sales through Instagram
  • Develop an unbreakable mindset
  • Surround yourself with a community of high achievers

The core methodology is centered around selling high-ticket digital products. This allows you to earn higher commissions and recurring revenue compared to selling low-cost physical products.

Instagram is leveraged as the key traffic source due to its massive reach. AI tools are implemented to automate content creation and other business processes.

Beyond the business education, there is a major emphasis on mindset training and having the right community for support and accountability.

How Does High Achiever Society Work?

The High Achiever Society provides training through a mix of video lessons, live coaching calls, workbooks, a private community app, and more.

Here is an overview of how it works:

Step 1: You join the 2-week free trial which gives you access to the training materials and community.

Step 2: During the trial, you go through the video lessons teaching you the core online business model. This covers topics like:

  • Finding high-ticket digital products to promote
  • Setting up your opt-in pages and sales funnels
  • Leveraging AI tools to automate content
  • Driving Instagram traffic to your offers
  • Mindset principles and daily rituals

Step 3: You can schedule 1-on-1 coaching calls with Philip or his team to help customize a plan for your goals.

Step 4: You take action by implementing what you’ve learned and launching your online business.

Step 5: You get support through weekly live coaching calls, interacting in the online community, and using the accountability features.

Step 6: After the 2-week trial, you continue your membership for $97/month to keep accessing new trainings and community.

The trainings are comprehensive, taking you from beginner level all the way through running a successful 6-7 figure business. The community and support system help you stay focused and accountable.

High Achiever Society Pricing and Offerings

High Achiever Society Review - Pricing

Here is an overview of the pricing and offerings included with High Achiever Society:

2 Week Free Trial (Click here)

  • Access to all video lessons, workbooks, and bonuses
  • Entry into the private community
  • Attend live coaching calls
  • 1-on-1 business strategy session

Monthly Membership – $97/month

  • Continued access to video lessons
  • Ongoing live coaching calls
  • Private community access
  • Accountability features
  • Updated trainings & resources

High Achiever Society Elite – $997/year

  • Everything on the monthly membership but with a discounted price

High Achiever Society Done-For-You – $2500

  • Done-for-you business set up

The free trial gives you a chance to experience everything before deciding if you want to continue the monthly membership.

For $97/month, you get access to a wealth of updated resources, live coaching, and a community of high achievers. This provides tremendous value.

Benefits of Joining High Achiever Society

There are many benefits you can gain as a member of High Achiever Society, including:

Learn a Proven Business Model – The program gives you a step-by-step blueprint for an online business model that has generated millions for Philip and other members.

Mentorship & Coaching – Get direct access to 8-figure earners who can provide guidance, feedback, and answer questions.

Mindset Training – Beyond business, you get powerful mindset training to develop yourself as a person.

Community & Accountability – Surround yourself with like-minded high achievers who will support you and keep you accountable.

Automation Tools – Learn to leverage AI to automate up to 90% of your business, saving you time and effort.

Updated Training – New lessons are continually added so you are always learning the latest high-income skills.

Flexibility – The business model can be done from anywhere, on your own schedule, without huge upfront costs.

Recurring Revenue – Selling high-ticket digital products allows you to earn recurring monthly income.

Time Freedom – By automating much of the business, you can get your time back and escape the 9-5 rat race.

Impact Others – Achieving success enables you to contribute and make a difference in other people’s lives.

These benefits combine to provide immense value that can truly elevate your life and business.

High Achiever Society Community

High Achiever Society Review - Community

One of the core pillars of High Achiever Society is the community aspect. This includes:

  • A private online group with thousands of members
  • Weekly live coaching calls
  • Direct access to top earners
  • Online app for community interaction
  • In-person masterminds and events

The community gives you a built-in support network and direct access to high achievers further along in their journey.

This is incredibly valuable for getting feedback, collaborating on ideas, networking, and building relationships. Humans thrive when part of a community aligned towards shared goals.

Surrounding yourself with driven, ambitious people will inevitably motivate you and pull you up. On the flip side, surrounding yourself with negative, unmotivated people is equally as dangerous.

So the community component is really empowering and differentiates the program from simply watching some online videos.

Mentorship and Coaching

Hands down, one of the most valuable parts of High Achiever Society is the direct access to mentorship and coaching. This includes:

  • 1-on-1 Calls – You can schedule private strategy calls with Philip or his team to create a customized plan.
  • Live Coaching – There are 7+ live calls per week where you can get your questions answered.
  • Accountability – You’re assigned a “High Achiever Buddy” to keep you accountable.
  • Feedback – You can get feedback by interacting in the community and mastermind groups.
  • Q&A Access – Philip openly provides his personal email and offers 24-hour response times to members.

The ability to speak directly with someone who’s been in your shoes and achieved a high level of success is priceless.

Rather than fumbling around alone hoping for the best, you get seasoned mentors who can help you avoid mistakes and optimize your path to success.

The combination of group coaching and 1-on-1 support covers all the bases and is a big differentiator.

Unstoppable Online Business Model

At its core, High Achiever Society teaches you to build an online business promoting high-ticket digital products and leveraging Instagram and AI for automation.

Here are some key points about the business model:

  • High-Ticket Products – Promote digital products priced $500+ and keep 50%+ commission per sale. Requires fewer sales to hit income goals.
  • Recurring Revenue – Many products offer monthly continuity programs, leading to reliable recurring revenue.
  • Instagram Leverage – Use Instagram to drive free traffic to your offers through viral content and reels. Taps into Instagram’s 2 billion user base.
  • AI Automation – Use AI tools to automate content creation, posting, engagement, and more. Frees up time and leverages cutting edge tech.
  • Low Overhead – Online business model has minimal overhead. No physical products, inventory, or shipping.
  • Global Reach – Completely online so you can run it remotely from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Flexibility – No fixed schedule, office, or location. Manage your time and schedule freely.
  • Scalability – Has potential to scale your income significantly through sales team, affiliates, and passive income streams.

This business model checks all the boxes – high income potential, automation, flexibility, and scalability. It capitalizes on digital products and Instagram, two of the hottest online trends.

The training shows you exactly how to piece it all together in a simple step-by-step manner. Implementing the model is very doable for anyone willing to put in the effort.

Leveraging Instagram and AI

A core part of High Achiever Society’s business model is leveraging Instagram and AI tools. Here is more detail:


  • Use viral videos and reels to get millions of views
  • Drive traffic to your landing pages
  • Build authority and trust through content
  • Show behind-the-scenes of your success and lifestyle

AI Tools

  • Automate content creation
  • Automate engagement

Instagram is the traffic source and AI handles optimizing and automating your presence. Together they remove much of the heavy lifting so you can focus on high-level strategy.

The training shows you how to tap into trends and create content that goes viral on Instagram. AI tools help create and manage the backend logistics.

This leverages free organic traffic and cutting edge tech to rapidly grow your brand and income.

Developing Unbreakable Desire

High Achiever Society emphasizes that mindset is just as crucial as business skills. An entire pillar of the training focuses on developing “unbreakable desire” and other mental attributes for success.

Some of the concepts covered to build desire include:

  • Crafting an empowering vision for your ideal life
  • Setting big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs)
  • Identifying your most important values
  • Planning your ideal day – how do you want to spend it?
  • Visualization and manifestation techniques
  • Affirmations, incantations, and other mental models
  • Associating massive pleasure to achieving your goals
  • Building self-belief and self-confidence

You get access to workbooks, videos, and coaching on optimizing your mindset. Accountability groups help cement these principles.

Strengthening your desire and belief is foundational to executing on your goals and pushing through challenges.

Building Unshakeable Discipline

In addition to desire, having “unshakeable discipline” is the other critical mental pillar according to High Achiever Society.

Some ways they teach you to build discipline include:

  • Waking up early and starting your day with a powerful routine
  • Exercising regularly
  • Practicing focused deep work sessions
  • Setting rules and non-negotiables for yourself
  • Establishing systems and habits that cement discipline
  • Planning your weeks and avoiding distractions
  • Cutting out toxic relationships and limiting media consumption
  • Daily accountability check-ins and tracking metrics
  • Cold showers, fasting, and other mental toughness exercises

Discipline is built through repetition. The community keeps you focused. You learn to structure your days and environment to support success.

With desire and discipline, you gain an unstoppable mindset to realize your potential.

Transforming Your Mindset

Elevating your mindset goes hand-in-hand with developing your outer world.

High Achiever Society emphasizes that transforming your thinking, beliefs, and psychology is required to truly change your life.

Some of the mindset principles and lessons include:

  • You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with – hence the focus on surrounding yourself with high achievers.
  • “How you do anything is how you do everything” – approach your goals with excellence.
  • Abundance vs. scarcity thinking – there are unlimited opportunities, don’t limit yourself.
  • Living in your end vision – make decisions from the future reality you want to create.
  • Growth vs. fixed mindset – believe you can continually improve your abilities.
  • Meditation and visualization – regularly practice to master your mind.
  • Learning from failures – setbacks prepare you for future success.

The curriculum provides the knowledge, tools, and support to transform yourself mentally. This is the foundation that empowers external success.

My Personal Experience with High Achiever Society

High Achiever Society Review - Sharing my personal experience

I’ll share some of my own experiences since joining High Achiever Society.

Feeling Good and Educated

Overall, I’ve found the program very educational and motivational so far. Going through the video lessons, I feel like I’m learning a lot of useful business principles and strategies. Even as someone who has dabbled in online business, much of the training has been an eye-opener.

The production quality of the videos and materials is top-notch. Philip and his team clearly have extensive experience under their belts, which comes across in the way they teach.

I’m feeling good about the business methodology and models being taught. Instagram and AI automation weren’t on my radar before, so I have been impressed learning how leveraged they can be.

The program has opened my eyes to new possibilities. I also appreciate how it covers both the tactical business training as well as the inner mindset work.

Supportive Community

While still early for me, the community aspect has been excellent so far. In the online private Facebook group, members are engaging, supportive, and insightful.

It has been great connecting with like-minded people who are motivated to uplevel their lives and business. The group has a positive, collaborative energy.

During the live coaching calls, I appreciate being able to ask Philip and his coaches direct questions and get feedback. They provide thoughtful answers and guidance.

The level of access and interaction with real people is awesome and not something you get from most online programs.

Well Structured

I’ve found the program to be structured and comprehensive, taking you from A to Z. The video lessons and workbooks create a logical, step-by-step learning path.

The materials are conveniently organized and easily searchable within the membership dashboard.

While robust, the training is broken down into manageable chunks that make it digestible. I never feel overwhelmed.

The pacing and delivery of the content has been well thought out based on how long Philip and his team have been refining the High Achiever Society curriculum and format.


As mentioned, I’ve found the training eye-opening so far, exposing me to new concepts I hadn’t considered before.

I knew nothing about leveraging Instagram or AI the way High Achiever Society teaches. My past attempts at ecommerce and affiliate marketing felt like slow grinds.

The business model here seems more streamlined and higher velocity. I’m intrigued by the combination of high ticket commissions, recurring revenue, automation, and Instagram brand building.

The team really knows what they’re talking about when it comes to successfully monetizing online today. I’m hoping much of this will prove to be a missing puzzle piece for me.

Pros of Joining High Achiever Society

Based on my experience so far as a member, here are some of the standout pros:

  • Proven business model – the methods clearly work based on Philip’s success and other members earning 6-7 figures
  • Wealth of content – the amount of training videos, workbooks, and resources is vast and regularly updated
  • Knowledgeable coaches – the 1-on-1 and group coaching provides tremendous value
  • Inspiring founder – Philip is very motivating and passionate about helping people
  • Powerful mindset training – goes beyond just business to transform yourself mentally
  • Supportive community – elevates your growth trajectory being around high achievers
  • Cutting edge strategies – leveraging Instagram, AI, and sales funnels puts you ahead
  • Clear structure – organized learning path takes you from beginner to advanced
  • Flexible business – online model allows location and time freedom
  • Recurring revenue – continuity programs provide predictable monthly cash flow

These meaningful benefits make High Achiever Society a worthwhile investment if you’re committed to achieving your potential.

Cons to Consider about High Achiever Society

No program is perfect, so here are some potential drawbacks to weigh:

  • Requires effort – this is not a passive income system. You have to put in consistent work.
  • Not overnight – despite automation, this will take months or years of dedication to see major success.

The cons mainly come down to the fact that you have to put in consistent effort over an extended period. This is not a get-rich-quick system. But achieving success rarely is easy or overnight.

Who is High Achiever Society Best For?

High Achiever Society is best suited for:

  • People who want to build an online business and escape the 9-5 grind.
  • Those seeking mentorship from successful entrepreneurs.
  • People who want both business and personal development.
  • Anyone looking to leverage Instagram and AI to automate their business.
  • Folks attracted to the recurring revenue model.
  • People who value being part of a motivated community.
  • Beginners who want an easy-to-follow blueprint.
  • Existing business owners who want to scale their income.

Essentially, it can work for anyone who is willing to put in the effort and is drawn to what High Achiever Society offers.

However, this program specifically appeals to ambitious, driven individuals who have big goals and are looking to surround themselves with people on a similar path.

Casual dabblers or people looking for “easy money” would be better suited elsewhere.

Is High Achiever Society a Scam?

High Achiever Society is definitely not a scam. The program delivers a ton of value.

Philip is a real person who shares his personal story and results openly. You can find ample proof online that he has achieved the success he claims.

The training is comprehensive and provides actionable business strategies. This is not some vague, pie-in-the-sky material.

High Achiever Society has extensive positive reviews from members. There are enough verifiable testimonials to confirm it is legit.

Between the 2-week free trial and money-back guarantees, you can test it out risk-free.

The main promise is to teach you an online business methodology that has generated millions for Philip and other members. Based on the detailed training and positive feedback, High Achiever Society seems to fulfill this core promise.

High Achiever Society vs. Other Programs

How does High Achiever Society compare to other online business programs?

vs. eCommerce – Building an online store and dropshipping takes more upfront effort. HAS leverages automation and Instagram so you can start faster with less work.

vs. Consulting / Freelancing – Trading time for money caps your income. HAS teaches you to build an automated, scalable business.

vs. Amazon FBA / Retail Arbitrage – Dealing with inventory and shipping physical products is very different from HAS’s digital approach.

vs. Network Marketing – MLMs rely on recruiting people. HAS focuses on passive income assets and leveraging AI.

vs. Day Trading – Day trading is complex and risky. HAS aims to build long-term, sustainable wealth.

The core advantage of HAS is the combination of recurring revenue, automation, and community. This creates a more leveraged business model compared to many other online business training programs.

Is High Achiever Society Worth It?

At the end of the day, is joining High Achiever Society worth the investment?

In my opinion, yes – IF you are committed to putting in the work and have big goals.

Here is a breakdown of the value you get:

  • Proven Business Model – A blueprint for a business that’s doing $25M/year in revenue is invaluable.
  • Mentorship – Getting direct coaching from 8-figure earners is worth thousands alone.
  • Mindset Training – Developing yourself mentally will pay dividends forever.
  • Automation Tools – Leveraging AI will save you countless hours.
  • Supportive Community – A network of driven people will fast track your growth.
  • Recurring Revenue – Building assets that pay you monthly is game-changing.
  • Cutting Edge Tactics – Learning Instagram and funnel strategies gives you an edge.

For $97/month, you get all of the above. It’s an investment in yourself that could massively amplify your income and life if applied diligently.

But if you are looking for a magic bullet or expect overnight millions, HAS is likely not a fit.

At the end of the day, you get out what you put in. HAS provides the blueprint and support network – but you have to bring the desire and work ethic.

Final Verdict: Should You Join?

So what’s the verdict? Should you join High Achiever Society?

If you identify with any of the following, then YES, the program is likely a great fit for you:

  • You’re serious about achieving financial freedom and living life on your terms.
  • You want mentorship from successful people who have been where you want to go.
  • You know you achieve more when part of a motivated, like-minded community.
  • You’re willing to learn new strategies outside your comfort zone.
  • You want recurring revenue and leverage instead of just trading time for money.
  • You’re excited to leverage Instagram and automation to create a scalable business.

However, if any of these apply to you, exercise caution:

  • You’re looking for a magic bullet or passive income without effort.
  • You don’t deal well with change or learning new skills.
  • You frequently jump around between programs without seeing them through.
  • You’re not willing to invest time and money into your development.
  • You’re solely focused on a quick buck, not long-term success.

Overall, High Achiever Society is a high quality training program with a proven framework. If you’re committed to success and hungry to elevate your life, it’s worth joining.


Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a system, knowledge, and being around people who have been where you want to go.

High Achiever Society aims to provide you with all three – a blueprint for an automated online business, the skills and mindset to implement it, and a community of mentors and peers for support.

If you’re searching for a way to escape the rat race and build financial freedom, HAS is worth strongly considering.

Just be sure to measure your expectations, be willing to learn, and know that you ultimately get out what you put in. Consistent effort over time is required.

But for ambitious go-getters who want to surround themselves with greatness and are hungry for a world class education, community, and business model – High Achiever Society can be a game changer.

The 2-week free trial gives you the chance to fully evaluate the program risk-free.

Why not give it a shot and see for yourself the value it provides? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is High Achiever Society free?

A: No, High Achiever Society is a paid program. However, it does offer a 2-week free trial so you can experience it risk-free.

Q: What results can I expect from HAS?

A: Results vary widely based on effort and ability to implement the training. Some members earn 6-7 figures but most are still in the early stages. Manage expectations realistically.

Q: Is HAS beginner friendly?

A: Yes, the program is designed for beginners. No prior experience with online business, sales funnels, or Instagram growth is required.

Q: What is Philip’s background and credibility?

A: Philip Johansen is an 8-figure online entrepreneur. You can find ample proof online of his success story and credentials.

Q: Is HAS a pyramid scheme or MLM?

A: No. HAS focuses on building an automated business through product sales, not recruitment.

Q: Can HAS work for busy people?

A: Yes, the automation and flexibility of the model allows you to run it part-time around your schedule. But you still need to put in effort.

Q: What happens after the 2-week free trial?

A: After 14 days, you will be billed $97 to continue membership access. You can cancel anytime.

Q: Is HAS saturated? Can I still succeed?

A: The model leverages Instagram and digital products with global reach, so there is ample room for new growth and success.

Q: Is HAS legit or a scam?

A: High Achiever Society is 100% legit – not a scam. Philip is a real founder and members have provided positive reviews.

Q: How much does HAS cost?

A: After the free trial, the monthly membership is $97. One-time upsells are available but optional.

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