Speedii Review – Over Hyped or Worth It?

Speedii Review – Are you searching for more information about Speedii? If so, Please go through my full Speedii review before you decide to purchase it. I am going to analyse in detail about this product.

In this review, I’ll cover what it actually does, who is it for, how much it costs, Pros & Cons, what exclusive bonuses you’ll get and what are all the upsells or OTOs, so that you will get more clarity about this Speedii and you can decide if it’s right for you or not.

Speedii Review + Discount + Bonus

Speedii Review – Overview

Product Name Speedii
Product Creators Seun Ogundele
Launch Date & Time 2020-March-29, 11:00 AM EST
Price Range $19
Bonus Yes, HQ Bonuses
Refund  30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Official site https://speedii.co/live/
Product Type Tools & Software
Training Detailed Training Videos
Customer Support Good
Skills All Levels
Recommended Highly Recommended!


Is your website’s speed costing you money?

For most people… the answer is yes.

Although you may not realize this, website speed is one of the main ranking factors google looks at when it decides where your website is found in the search results…

Faster website load speed = better rankings…

…and when you have better rankings, you’ll get more free traffic and that means more leads and more sales!

You may be heard that some WordPress is simple to use website platform that can generate a lot of money.

Yes, it is 100% true if you choose the right plugins.

There are hundreds of WordPress plugins coming out every day but you have to choose the right one to make it work.

In today’s topic, i will be reviewing a new product that is going to launch on 29th march 2020 is called “Speeddii”

I am so exited to review this product because it has many useful modules and features for the price of $19. It is really amazing.

So keep reading my full “Speedii Review” before you decide to purchase it.

What Is Called Speedii?

Speedii is a wordpress plugin that makes any website google compliant, ultra blazing fast loading, installable app, offline-usable, mobile friendly super site that gets top search rankings & tons of free traffic with few clicks.

With Speedii you can

  • Turn your website into a faster, more secure and lighter mobile friendly site that gets top rankings and more traffic
  • Engage your visitors better than ever by turning your website into an Instant Mobile App
  • Combine The Power of AMP ( Accelerated Mobile Pages), PWA (Progressive Web App) & FBIA (Facebook Instant Articles) Technologies to make your website instant and much FASTER on every possible platform
  • Boost SEO and Rank Higher In Search Engines which means more FREE traffic
  • Monetize Your Website With Facebook Ads & Google Adsense for easy money without any hard work required
  • Convert more visitors into buyers and put more money in your pocket instantly!

Speedii Review – How It Works?

Speedii Combines The Power of AMP ( Accelerated Mobile Pages), PWA (Progressive Web App) & FBIA (Facebook Instant Articles) Technologies to make your website instant and usable offline on every possible platform.

This improves load speeds which improves your search engine rankings and ultimately gets you MORE FREE traffic, more leads, and more sales because conversions increase when loads speeds increase.

3 Steps To Boost Your Search Rankings, Get More FREE Traffic, And Make More Money With Speedii

Step 1: Install the Speedii WordPress plugin. It only takes about a minute, and you don’t need any sills or technical experience.

Step 2: Click optimize button

Step 3: Speedii goes to work improving your load speeds so you will get better site performance. 

Note: These are quick steps how you can use this software. However, you can watch the full demo video below to see how it works.

Speedii Demo

Speedii Review – 3 Breakthrough Technologies

1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

PWA use modern web capabilities to deliver fast, native-app experience with no app stores or downloads. PWA loads faster than a normal website.

Progressive Web Apps Features:

[♦] Add To Home Screen makes it easy for users to install your Progressive Web App on their mobile device. When installed, it adds your PWA to their launcher, and runs it like any other installed app
Offline Usage

[♦] Offline usage adds offline support and reliable performance of your web app. This allows visitor to load any previously viewed page while they are offline or on low connectivity network
Pull Down Navigation

[♦] Pull down navigation  touchscreen gesture allows your users to drag the screen and then release it, as a signal to the application to refresh contents or navigate your web app
Swipe Navigation

[♦] Swipe Navigation allows your users to execute web browser’s “Back” and “Next” actions by swiping on the screen anywhere. Swiping left will result in going back and swiping right will result in going next
Shake To Refresh

[♦] Shake to refresh gesture brings amazing UX experience to your users by simply shaking phone as a signal to your web application to refresh the contents of the screen
Toast Messages

[♦] Toast Messages provides simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. It only fills the amount of space required for the message and the current activity remains visible and interactive

[♦] Optimizations include features which will help you to boost your website performance by caching and minifying assets, optimizing delivery of CSS and JS files by loading them asynchronously, removing defaults 300ms click delay on mobile phones, compressing static files and setting Cache-Control Headers to your .htaccess
Push Notifications

[♦] Push notifications are notifications that can be sent on a user via desktop web and mobile web to re-engage on your website. Send push notifications directly from your WP Admin interface

2. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

AMP provides a straightforward way to create web pages that are fast, smooth-loading and prioritize the user-experience above all else.

Accelerated Mobile Pages Features:

[♦] Use Active Theme Styles

Speedii will use your current active theme styles to build AMP version of your website. So your website will have a corresponding AMP version which will look like exactly as your normal website

[♦] Auto AMP Generation

Speedii will automatically sanitize your content and generate AMP markup from your website components into AMP supported format. If the components is invalid for AMP markup, it will be removed

[♦] Preload PWA From AMP

Speedii is implementing a revolutionary strategy, which is to make the entry point into your site an AMP page, then warm up the PWA behind the scenes and switch to it for the onward journey to take the user experience to the next level

[♦] All Content Support

All of your website content and templates will be supported to have AMP version, including: homepage, search page, not found, categories, tags, products, posts, pages, and custom post types

[♦] SEO Improvement

AMP pages are prioritized in their search algorithm and you can get access to AMP-only search features. The AMP “lighting” icon in the SERPS indicates that a page is being served through AMP. It will increase the clickthrough rate of pages as users will choose AMP page over the standard results knowing it will be a more streamlined experience on their mobile device

[♦] Monetize Advertisement

Speedii offers pre-defined AdSense Auto Ads which is using machine learning to show ads only when they are likely to perform well

[♦] Analytics Integration

All major analytics vendors are supported and Speedii provides one-click implementation. Supported Analytics: Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Segment Analytics, StatCounter, Histats Analytics, Yandex Metrika, Chartbeat Analytics, and Clicky Analytics

[♦] GDPR Compliance

GDPR is having impact on all manner of industries and processes, so Speedii uses built-in AMP to provide a cookie notice, which allows you to elegantly inform users on AMP pages uses cookies and to comply with the EU cookie law GDPR regulations

[♦] High Compatibility

AMPs made by Speedii are compatible with any WP configuration. Although all Javascript is removed from pages, your forms, WooCommerce add to cart functionality and other interactive features will be maintained.

3. Facebook Instant Articles (FBIA)

Instant Articles is a tool designed for media publishers to distribute instant, interactive articles to their readers within the Facebook mobile app

Facebook Instant Articles Features:

[♦] Fast and Responsive 

Leveraging the same technology used to display photos and videos quickly in the Facebook app, articles load instantly in News Feed, and readers really like the speed

[♦] Costumizable Design

Customize the look and feel of your articles using the Facebook Instant Article style editor. You can individually modify 19 customizable design elements, including font selection, colours and layout preferences

[♦] Simple and Scalable

Publish any type of article, from daily news to longform features. Instant Articles Integrate seamlessly with your current workflow and existing production tools. All types of post types are supported

[♦] Engaging and Shareable

The fast, immersive reading experience inspires people to share Instant Articles 30% more often than mobile web articles on average, amplifying the reach of your stories in News Feed

[♦] Interactive and Immersive

New creative tools bring your stories to life and are as easy to use as they are transformative for the mobile storytelling experience

[♦] Monetizable

Facebook Audience Network allows you to monetize with demand from over 3 million advertisers worldwide, delivering relevant, high value, native formats that drive performance and engagement

[♦] Measurable and Trackable

Understand how people read and engage with your Instant Articles through data Facebook provides as well as data from in-house analytics tools or third-party measurement services

[♦] GDPR Compliance

You have the option to include a banner at the beginning of your Instant Articles with links to your data collection and cookies policies. This banner will only be seen by users residing in the EU banner.

Speedii OTO Details & Pricing

Speedii OTO 1 >> Pro Version (Unlock 5X More Traffic) ($39)

Website Limit Removed (Create UNLIMITED Ultra Fast Google Compliant Websites)

When you upgrade to ‘PRO’ the website limit is removed, so you can create UNLIMITED Ultra Fast Loading websites for maximum FREE traffic and more money in your pocket.

Passive Income From Facebook Ad Network & Google Adsense With Our Artificial Intelligence Auto Ads.

Speedii offers pre-defined AdSense Auto Ads which is using machine learning to show ads only when they are likely to perform well
Facebook Audience Network allows you to monetize with demand from over 3 million advertisers worldwide, delivering relevant, high value, native formats that drive performance and engagement.

This makes it super easy for you to create stunning niche websites that loads fast, get traffic and make money… with just a few clicks!

Push Notification – Re-Engage Your Website Visitors For Maximum Profits!

Push notifications are notifications that can be sent on a user via desktop web and mobile web to re-engage on your website. Send push notifications directly from your WP Admin interface.

When you consider the fact that you’ll have NO limits to the amount of fast loading websites you’ll be able to create, this upgrade is worth its weight in gold. Think about it… If you want to make more money, all you have to do is click your mouse a few times, and you’ll have a brand new ultra fast loading website up and running… …getting you FREE traffic And making you money.

Plus, you can install on UNLIMITED websites that are fully optimized to jump to the top of the search rankings at lightning speed.

Speedii OTO2 >> UNLOCK 100 Traffic Sources ($39)

  • Get Unlimited FREE VIral Traffic – Within 60 seconds From Right Now…
  • Tap Into Traffic Streams of Over 100 Social Media Sites.
  • Simply Click A Few Buttons, Sit Back, Relax & Watch Your Traffic & Sales Explode!

Speedii OTO3 >> RANK Version ($39)

  • Newbie all-in one traffic solution!
  • “1-click” gets you unlimited free buyer traffic & google page #1 rankings right now!
  • Zero experience, upfront costs or any risk

Speedii OTO4 >> Reseller Version ($197)

  • Sell SPEEDII To Millions Of Website Owners – You’ll get access to Speedii Reseller License that allows you to sell Speedii to clients account in seconds.
  • Access To Our Sales Materials – You’ll have access to our website sales copy and marketing materials to make getting clients easy for you.
  • We’ll Handle Support For All Your Clients – We will provide support team to handle your clients questions and complaints while you focus on the most important thing like marketing and getting sales.
  • Skip The Learning Curve! – Leverage Our Done For You Software Business For Huge Pay Days!

Speedy Review – Pros and Cons

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Speedii Is Easy To Use
Make Your Website Lighter, Faster, And Better
Turn Your Website Into An Instant Mobile App
Make Your Website Usable Offline
et Better Search Rankings For More FREE Traffic
Monetize Your Site With Facebook Ads
Increase Conversions For More Leads And Sales
Get Viral Traffic With Social Shares And Push Notifications
Supercharge Your Website For More Traffic And More Sales[/i2pros][i2cons]I am totally satisfied with this software. There are no cons.[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Speedii Review – Is It Worth To Buy?

Speeding up your website itself costs at least $49/year or it may be higher.

I am using WP Rocket plugin plugin to speed up my website. It costs me around $49/year per website. If i want to install this plugin on 3 sites then, i should pay $99/year.

But Speedii makes any website google compliant, ultra fast loading, installable, accessible, offline-usable, mobile friendly super site that gets top search rankings & tons of free traffic with a simple settings and unlimited website license.

All these features combined and costs only $19. It is very very cool.

If you ask me “Yes, it is definitely worth to purchase” and i highly recommend this plugin.

Speedii Special Bonuses

>>Click here to see my custom bonuses<<

Speedii Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Q. What is Speedii?

A. Speedii is a simple, push-button software tool that makes it easy to make your website friendly and increase load speeds to ensure you get top Google rankings, more free traffic, and a big boost in your conversions without any hard work or technical skills needed.

Q. How does Speedii work?

A. Speedii Combines The Power of AMP ( Accelerated Mobile Pages), PWA (Progressive Web App) & FBIA (Facebook Instant Articles) Technologies to make your website instant and usable offline on every possible platform.

Q. Is Speedii newbie-friendly?

A. Yes, we’ve intentionally created Speedii to be easy-to-use and quick to install. No technical skills or prior experience are needed to get big results with Speedii.

Q. Who should get Speedii?

A. If you have a website, blog, opt-in page, sales page, or any other kind of page online and you want to get more FREE traffic and boost conversions, then you need Speedii.

Q. Is Speedii proven to get results?

A. Yes, there are multiple examples above of Speedii getting big results and improving any page/website it’s used with.

Q. What happens if I don’t get Speedii?

A. Not getting Speedii will cost you…You could find yourself losing search rankings and ultimately getting less traffic if you don’t get SpeediiOr if you decide to optimize your pages and websites on your own, it could take you a lot of time And if you decide to outsource this, you’ll end up spending a lot of money Speedii ensures that you save time, avoid wasting money, and ultimately you’ll get more FREE traffic, more leads, and make more sales in the process

Q. Why do I need to get Speedii right now?

A. The price on Speedii is going up soon and the bonuses are only available for FREE when you get Speedii right now. Don’t wait and end up paying more and risk missing out the included bonuses.

Q. Is there a money back guarantee when I get Speedii?

A. Absolutely. You get a full 30 days to make sure Speedii is for you. If you change your mind for any reason, just let us know and we’ll get you a refund.
The only way you can lose is by not getting Speedii right now.

Q. How do I get Speedii at the lowest price possible?
A. Click The Button Below Now To Get Speedii Before The Price Goes Up

Q. How to claim your bonus?

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