Voiclet Review – The Next Evolution of Funnels that Makes 10x Leads and Sales Handsfree

Voiclet Review - The Next Evolution of Funnels that Makes 10x Leads and Sales Handsfree

Voiclet Review:

If you’re like most small business owners, you know that generating leads and sales is essential to your success.

And if you’re like most people, you also know that traditional funnel builders and follow-up sequences can be complicated, costly, and time-consuming.

But what if there was a better way?

What if there was an app that could help you connect with potential customers quickly and easily, without all the hassle?

Well, now there is Voiclet.

Voiclet is a revolutionary application that enables small businesses to rapidly create modern video funnels that simplify the customer journey process, allowing customers to move through your funnel with just one click!

With this innovative tool, you will be able to effortlessly generate leads and close them using engaging video content – without having to worry about complex funnel builder or costly chatbots.

If you want to learn more about this software go through my complete review.

In this Voiclet review, I will cover what it is, how it works, its features and benefits, what are the pricing options, and finally, who it is best suited for. So, let’s get started!

What Is Voiclet?

Voiclet is a cloud-based software that will revolutionize the customer journey process by allowing you to create new video and voice funnels that will reduce the amount of time and effort it takes to close a sale.

Voiclet allows you to easily organize your campaigns into categories and assign specific agents to each campaign, so you can ensure that each agent only receives leads that they are best suited for.

With Voiclet, you can also create a ‘magical video link’ that redirects customers directly to the appropriate funnel so that your agents can quickly and easily close sales.

Moreover, Voiclet provides several features for agents including recording calls, sharing their screen with customers, adjusting volume, and more – all with encrypted technology for added security.

You can use Voiclet’s funnels for selling your own products or services as well as creating campaigns for clients who will pay an additional fee.

Voiclet makes it easier than ever before to keep track of customer interactions and manage pipelines efficiently. The intuitive dashboard provides all the analytics needed to measure performance over time – including response rates, conversion rates, and engagement metrics – so you can always make improvements where necessary.

How Does Voiclet Work?

Voiclet works in just four simple steps.

STEP 1: Create a Campaign & Assign Agents.

Voiclet Review -Step 1 - Create a Campaign & Assign Agents

Voiclet makes it easy for businesses to organize and assign agents to specific campaigns by type and client. You can assign multiple agents to each campaign, allowing you to maximize efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.

STEP 2: Auto-Create a Magic Video Funnel Link or Widget.

Voiclet Review -Step 2 - Auto-Create a Magic Video Funnel Link or Widget

Next, create a ‘magical video link’ that you can share across multiple platforms, such as Facebook ads, Google ads, TikTok profiles, Instagram profiles, and blogs. When clicked, the magic video link/QR code will redirect customers to a video or voice funnel with an agent ready to close the sale. Alternatively, you can choose to create a smart chat widget and embed it on any regular funnel page.

STEP 3: Share Your Link & Close Leads Automatically.

Voiclet Review -Step 3 - Share Your Link & Close Leads Automatically

Voiclet’s technology offers agents the ability to record calls, share their screens, adjust volume, and more. Plus, if no one answers the call, you can redirect the link to a regular sales page or customer support page to leave a message.

STEP 4: Share with Clients or Give App Access for Fees.

Voiclet Review -Step 4 - Share with Clients or Give App Access for Fees

With Voiclet, businesses have the opportunity to offer their own products and services or create campaigns for clients by giving them access to the app. You can charge a high monthly fee for access and use Voiclet’s stats to check on agents who picked up, video call time, minutes used, and more.

This is how Voiclet works to streamline the customer journey and 10x sales. No need for complicated and costly funnel builders, chatbots, webinar systems, follow-up sequences, or outdated funnel systems – Voiclet will take care of it all!

What Voiclet Can Do For You?

  • Voiclet can increase revenue for any business by replacing leaky, expensive funnels with proven, ‘speed-to-lead’ video & voice funnels.
  • You can create simple links or widgets that when clicked auto-direct to your video sales funnel to sell & close any lead far easier.
  • OmniChannel Marketing is possible with Voiclet by sharing your video or voice funnel link in Facebook ads, Google ads, on websites, in TikTok, Instagram, & other social media channels to generate tons of leads.
  • Get Prequalified Agency Clients Fast by selling Voiclet services to them for monthly fees.
  • The technology has crystal clear HD video calling capabilities that work anywhere in the world instantly and is integrated with Web, iOS ,& Android .
  • You are able to reduce Lead to Sale Time for 10x Conversions because the engagement prospect time is cut down significantly with just a single click.

Let’s move to the next section of my Voiclet review to see my ratings for Voiclet.

Voiclet Review – My Ratings

Now let’s see a quick overview of Voiclet through my next section of Voiclet review below.

Voiclet Review – The Product Overview

Product NameVoiclet
Product CreatorBen Murray
Release Date2022-Dec-12
Release Time11.00 EDT
Front-end Price$47
Money Back GuaranteeYes, Up to 30-days
Official Websitehttps://voiclet.io/
Product CategorySoftware
Recommended or NotRecommended

Now let’s talk about who would be the best audience for Voiclet through the next section of Voiclet review below.

For whom is Voiclet?

  • Voiclet is for entrepreneurs who want to increase their sales conversions without the hassle of complicated funnel builders or outdated systems.
  • Voiclet helps law firms by giving them the ability to give detailed legal help instantly on video without the extra phone call step.
  • Voiclet helps healthcare providers answer personalized medical questions and accept new health clients.
  • Voiclet helps pet shops interact with clients’ pets and sell tailor-picked products.
  • Voicelt experts/consultants build rapport fast to sell high-ticket products.
  • Voicelt mechanic diagnose and solve repair issues live and accept payment
  • Local bands can demo music live and book gigs much quicker
  • Voiclet helps gyms by allowing them to demo equipment live and sell yearly memberships easier.
  • Voiclet helps restaurants and venues by having a special video funnel for high-end corporate or wedding clients.
  • Voiclet is for business owners who want an easy way to connect with potential customers and reduce customer journey times.
  • Voiclet is great for anyone looking for a fast and convenient way to engage customers and close leads.

Voiclet Pricing and Evaluation

FE: Voiclet Advanced $47.00

Voiclet Advanced is a disruptive app that creates new video and voice funnels that 10x sales by reducing the customer journey process to a single click. Purchase includes both Agency Rights & Commercial Rights.

Voiclet Bundle Deals & OTOs

Voiclet OTOs/upgrades are 100% optional, and you don’t have to get them to use the main features of Voiclet that I mentioned before. But these upsell have some advanced features that might be useful for you.

When it comes to buying Voiclet upsells, you have two options. Either you can buy Voiclet one by one after you purchase the front-end offer or you can can get all of the upsells at once by getting the Voiclet bundle deal.

Voiclet Bundle is a special one-time offer costs $230 which includes both front-end and all the upsells of Voiclet.

Voiclet OTOs

OTO1: Voiclet Professional $127.00

  • This upgraded, more advanced edition of Reputor includes…
  • Do unlimited video and voice calls
  • Remove Voiclet branding from widgets
  • Capture unlimited leads
  • Add unlimited agents
  • Create unlimited campaigns
  • VIP call connection speed
  • VIP Professional bonuses
  • VIP video rendering time
  • Access to video streaming technology with Streamr, a VIP app that lets small businesses live stream videos on autopilot

OTO2: Voiclet VIP $67.00

  • Voiclet team will help guarantee you land your first Voiclet client in a special VIP offer. Includes…
  • Outsourcers License + Integrate Team member technology
  • DFY ‘VideoFunnel’ Agency Site to help sell services – includes easy-edit technology & DFY hosting plan
  • DFY Video Agency Lead Videos – help land clients with DFY lead videos for your own agency
  • Reseller Rights + Reseller Materials – sell Voiclet with just a link and add to your campaigns
  • Voiclet Whitelabel VIP call scripts – DFY scripts to help agents close leads fast so businesses will continue getting results with Voiclet month-after-month
  • Voiclet Whitelabel PPC SOPs – whitelabel standard operating procedures to use or sell to clients on how to run profitable local Adwords campaigns
  • Plus, Voiclet comes with one-on-one support to help guarantee success. We’ll help you get your first ads campaign up, help understand anything better in the training, and generate your first leads.

OTO3: Voiclet Platinum $97.00

  • This most advanced edition of Voiclet includes…
  • Unlimited agency account license
  • The ability to whitelabel the app with custom domain, logo, and colors
  • Outsourcing training – learn how to scale your local agency faster
  • Video Agency Suite – get a set of DFY logos, print-on-demand materials, swipes, contract, legal agreement, and more to start getting agency clients.
  • Platinum VIP bonuses

OTO4: Voiclet Voicely Unlimited Special $49.00

  • Voicely is a fully-automated software powered by real AI that turns any text into a natural lifelike sounding voiceover in seconds.
  • Create video ads, full VSLs, and more with realistic-sounding voiceovers.

OTO5: Voiclet Vidtoon Unlimited Special $49.00

  • VidToon is a proven animated video creator that creates disney-style marketing videos in minutes with a world of animated spokespeople.
  • Run your own profitable video animation marketing agency with this amazing tool.

To learn more about Voiclet, read the next part of my Voiclet review below. This includes information on some of the notable features and how they can be used.

Voiclet Review – The Complete Features and Benefits

[+] Create New VideoFunnel & VoiceFunnel Selling Systems

Voiclet helps small businesses and entrepreneurs create more efficient and effective sales funnels by allowing them to replace outdated and inefficient traditional funnel systems with modern HD video or voice funnels. These funnels are easy to build, provide faster customer journeys, and increase lead conversions.

[+] ‘Magic Video Links’ Opens Your Funnels in a Click

Voiclet makes it easy to get customers into your video or voice funnel in just one click. Create links or QR codes that, when clicked or scanned, instantly open up your live video or voice funnel and enable you to start converting leads quickly and easily.

[+] Crystal Clear HD Video Call Tech. 10xs Sales

Voiclet offers crystal clear HD video calling which makes it easier for customers to engage with your business, and helps to increase conversions by making the customer experience more immersive and enjoyable.

[+] Omnichannel Marketing – Get Leads from Anywhere

Voiclet allows you to share magic video sales links in Facebook ads, Google ads, Tiktok profiles, Instagram profiles, and more. This helps you to generate leads from a variety of different channels and reach new potential customers.

[+] Web, iOS, & Android Supported

Voiclet works on any web browser as well as both the iOS and Android app, allowing agents to answer video or voice calls from anywhere. This makes it easier for agents to close leads quickly and efficiently.

[+] Sell Any Type of Product for Any Business

Voiclet is a great way to increase sales for any type of business as it allows them to create custom video or voice funnels to help convert leads.

[+] Get Prequalified Local Business Leads

Voiclet’s local business lead generation feature helps you to quickly and easily get qualified leads that you can sell Voiclet services to for $500+ per month.

[+] Newbie Friendly

Thanks to its user-friendly interface, Voiclet is easy to use even for beginners. The software also offers detailed analytics so you can keep track of your sales performance and make well-informed decisions.

[+] Agency & Commercial Rights Included – Sell Access for a Monthly Fee

Voiclet’s agency and commercial rights feature allows you to sell access for a monthly fee, and even charge for setup, making it a service that businesses will have to have.

How is Voiclet Better?

Voiclet is significantly better than traditional funnel builders and follow-up sequences in multiple key areas.

For starters, Voiclet is designed to be incredibly user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to create a stunning HD video sales funnel without the need for any coding knowledge or technical skills.

Not only does Voiclet offer a comprehensive suite of tools and features, but it also makes for an incredibly cost-effective solution for any business aiming to broaden its reach and amplify its profits. 

In terms of engagement, the HD video funnels created with Voiclet are far more eye-catching than text or image-based funnels. This helps to draw customers in and increases the chances of conversion by providing a visually stimulating experience.

Voiclet’s responsive design ensures that these funnels can be accessed on virtually any device, including desktop computers, iPhones/iPads, and Android devices. This makes it easier for customers to access your sales funnel no matter where they are. 

Lastly, Voiclet also offers a variety of additional features that allow users to personalize their funnels with custom messages and images as well as optimize them according to user behavior.

Also, users can track analytics related to their funnel’s performance in order to gain valuable insight into customer preferences and habits that can then be used to further refine the funnel over time.

All of these features combined make Voiclet an invaluable tool for businesses looking to increase sales and drive growth.

That’s all about the features of Voiclet. In the next section of my Voiclet review, we will see the pros and cons.

Pros and Cons


  • Easily connect with potential customers quickly and easily
  • Reduce the customer journey process to just a click
  • Funnels are high converting and HD quality
  • No need for complex funnel builders or chatbots
  • Save time with the rapid creation of funnels
  • Connect with more leads through engaging videos
  • Follow-up sequences are automated reducing the burden on staff/you
  • Detailed analytics so you can track customer behavior in real-time
  • Supports the web, iOS, and Android
  • Affordable pricing options


  • There are few upsells behind the front-end offer
  • There is no free trial

Keep reading my Voiclet review to learn more about Voiclet through the FAQ.

Voiclet Review – FAQ About Voiclet

What is Voiclet Exactly?

Voiclet is an innovative mobile app that gives businesses and entrepreneurs a quick, effortless way to communicate with potential customers. Utilizing modern HD video funnels instead of outdated sales strategies, this revolutionary application drastically decreases the time it takes for customers to reach their desired outcome. No matter if you’re on a desktop or phone — Voiclet makes connecting through real-time conversations easier than ever! With just one click or tap, your organization can have direct access to the customer journey without having to invest in expensive traditional methods.

Does this work for Mac and PC and Mobile?

Absolutely! Voiclet operates entirely in the cloud, so you can access it with just an internet connection and any browser from your preferred device. Plus, we have native iOS & Android apps for agents to use on mobile devices as well.

What if I don’t want to answer the video calls?

Don’t worry. Your client’s small business can either have an employee answer the video and voice calls, or you can hire a specialized video or phone outsourcer to do it for them – which is easy to learn how to do! And with all the money they will save by tackling out-of-date funnels without having to pay funnel consultants massive fees like $1000+, there should be more than enough revenue left over for hiring multiple video call assistants!

What if no one answers a video or voice call?

You have the option to designate where your campaign will be routed if no one is accessible to answer video or voice calls. You can pick between a traditional, old sales funnel/page and even a contact page in order to acquire data — it’s entirely up to you!

What are the benefits of using Voiclet? 

With Voiclet, you can reduce the duration of customer journeys and create ‘magic video sales funnel links’ or QR codes that give your customers instantaneous access to top-notch HD conversations with your sales personnel. This revolutionary technology enables companies to quickly convert leads into paying customers in a matter of minutes. Not only does it save time but also provides an exhilarating experience for potential buyers!

Is Voiclet secure? 

Yes, Voiclet takes security very seriously and employs industry-standard encryption protocols and data protection measures such as multi-factor authentication when transferring sensitive information across its platform. They also use secure hosting facilities that ensure all user data is kept safe from unauthorized access at all times. 

Does Voiclet have any other features? 

Absolutely! With Voiclet, users receive not only ‘magic video sales funnel links’ and QR codes but also advanced analytics. This enables businesses to track conversions over time, comprehend how different conversations are performing on the platform, and capitalize on performance gains from using this app.

Can I use Voiclet on any device? 

Yes! Voiclet is designed to work on multiple platforms such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. This makes it the perfect solution for businesses that want an effortless way of engaging with their target audience regardless of device preference.

Does Voicelet offer customer support? 

Yes! Voicelet offers both email support and lives chat support so you’ll always have someone available should you run into any issues while using the app. Additionally, there are extensive help resources available online if you need more guidance using Voicelet’s features and services.  

Is there a limit on how many videos I can create with Voicelet?  

No! You can create as many ‘magic video sales funnel links’ or QR codes as you like – there’s no limit imposed by Voicelet so you’re free to experiment as much as you want until you find what works best for your business needs.

Voiclet Review: My Final Thoughts

In times of so much information and ever-shrinking attention spans, digital business owners are struggling to keep up with the competition.

Traditional marketing funnels no longer suffice in converting leads into sales, and with sales funnel prices soaring it seems like 97% of potential clients never make it to the checkout page.

Luckily, Voiclet has come to the rescue! This revolutionary app provides a simple platform for businesses of all sizes to quickly create HD video funnels and have conversations with potential customers in just one click.

With advanced analytics, secure encryption protocols, and excellent customer support, Voicelet is definitely the must-have tool for digital businesses that want to take their customer engagement up a notch. Try it out today and see the results for yourself!

I hope you found my Voiclet review helpful. If you still have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop me a line. Happy selling!

Now let’s see what bonuses you will get if you become a user of Voiclet today!

Voiclet Bonuses:

Here is how you can claim my bonuses:

Step 1: CLICK HERE or any one of the above/below buttons to get Voiclet from the official website (If you have already ordered skip this step).

Step 2: Submit your payment receipt to my email id (bonus.spsreviews@gmail.com). You will get all my bonuses to your email id within 12 hours.

High Value Bonus Also For Free (Value $1997)

Traffic Apps & Courses (Value $5000)

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Here is how you can claim my bonuses:

Step 1: CLICK HERE or any one of the above/below buttons to get Voiclet from the official website (If you have already ordered skip this step).

Step 2: Submit your payment receipt to my email id (bonus.spsreviews@gmail.com). You will get all my bonuses to your email id within 12 hours.

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