Marshal Bundle – All-In-One Online Business & Security Compliance App

What is the Marshal Bundle?

What is the Marshal Bundle?

The Marshal Bundle Deal is an exclusive one-time offer that combines the Marshal Front-End (FE) and all its one-time offers (OTOs) at one fixed price, making it more convenient and cost-effective for you to purchase all the upgrades together. Here are the Marshal FE and each OTO name that comes with the bundle deal:

Marshal Bundle Overview

Product NameMarshal Bundle
Product CreatorAbhi Dwivedi
Release Date & Time2022-Apr-25 at 11.00 EDT
Bundle Price$297
Discount/Coupon CodeStaySafe
Free BonusesYes
Money Back Guarantee30-day
Bundle Deal Link
Product CategorySoftware
RecommendationHighly Recommended

Hello and welcome to my Marshal bundle deal information page. As an expert in web security and compliance, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to this amazing offer that will help you take your website to the next level.

Before getting into the details, let me give you a quick rundown of what Marshal is all about. Marshal is an all-in-one solution that helps businesses make their websites more secure, compliant, and accessible. With Marshal, you can protect your website from hacks, data theft, and defacing, ensure full legal compliance with global laws such as ADA, GDPR, and more, and improve your search engine rankings to drive long-term traffic.

Now, let me tell you how Marshal works in short.

  1. Find local businesses on Google Maps. Look for barbers, restaurants, dentists, or any other small businesses that may need your help. Alternatively, you can utilize Marshal on your own website for your business.
  2. Get their website URL from their Google My Business listing.
  3. Scan their website using Marshal to generate a detailed report outlining security, compliance, and SEO issues that need to be addressed.
  4. Reach out to the business owner, show them the report, and offer to fix their website issues for a fee.
  5. Use Marshal’s step-by-step instructions along with the included WordPress plugin to effortlessly and efficiently resolve the issues.
  6. Get paid by your clients.

In this Marshal bundle deal article, I am going to cover all the essential topics such as the features of Marshal, how it can help you improve web security and compliance, and how you can take advantage of our special one-time offer that includes the front-end and all of its one-time-offers (OTOs) for the price of one. So, let’s dive in and discover how Marshal can transform your website into a secure and compliant digital property.

Top Benefits of Choosing Marshal & Its Bundle Deal

  1. Enhanced Web Security: With Marshal, you can protect your website from hacks, defacing, and data theft. The bundle includes a vulnerability detection and protection feature that finds and fixes any security breaches on your website to prevent any unwanted access. The regular price for this kind of service can be very high, but with this bundle deal, you can have it at a much more affordable price.
  2. Full Compliance: Marshal ensures full legal compliance with global laws such as GDPR, Cookie Consent, and Privacy & T&C Compliance. You can easily create GDPR, Cookie Consent, Privacy & T&C pages using the Auto-Creators included in the bundle. The regular price for a lawyer to draft the T&C pages alone can cost more than the Marshal bundle deal. But with this bundle deal, you get all the necessary compliance features at a reasonable price.
  3. Improved SEO Rankings: A website’s SEO compliance is vital for its online visibility. Marshal’s full SEO-Fix Checklist helps you improve your website’s SEO ranking and drive long-term traffic to your website with ease. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on SEO consultations and audits, the Marshal bundle deal makes SEO compliance accessible and affordable.
  4. Package Savings: The Marshal bundle deal includes the front end and all its OTOs for the price of one ($297). By choosing this bundle deal, you can save up to 80% on the regular retail price of each individual product. In other words, you get all the benefits of Marshal for a fraction of the usual cost.
  5. Personalized Reports: Marshal’s included WordPress plugin lets you generate personalized reports with your business’s logo for your clients. This feature can help you create a professional image for your business and impress your clients with the level of customization that you offer.

Features of the Marshal Bundle Deal

Marshal Bundle - All-In-One Online Business & Security Compliance App

Marshal Front-End

  • Web Security Compliance & Auto-Fix Plugin: This feature identifies vulnerabilities on your website, such as SQL injection, XSS, file inclusion, ClickJacking, MIME Mismatch Attacks, and Sensitive Files Protection, and provides step-by-step instructions for fixing them.
  • ADA Web Compliance & Local Business Compliance: This feature ensures your website is ADA-compliant and that your local business is compliant with local laws and regulations.
  • GDPR, Cookie Consent, Privacy & T&C Compliance: This feature helps you comply with GDPR, Cookie Consent, Privacy & T&C regulations, minimizing legal risks and avoiding penalties.
  • Auto-Creators for GDPR, Cookie Consent, Privacy & T&C Pages: This feature creates GDPR, Cookie Consent, Privacy & T&C pages with easy-to-use auto-creators.
  • SEO Compliance & Full SEO-Fix Checklist: This feature helps you optimize your website’s SEO ranking by following a full set of checklist rules.
  • Vulnerability Detection & Protection: This feature offers protection against vulnerability detection by scanning your website for potential security breaches and vulnerabilities.
  • ClickJacking, MIME Mismatch Attacks & Sensitive Files Protection: This feature offers protection against JavaScript-based attacks, MIME Mismatch attacks, and sensitive file exposure.
  • Vulnerability Alerts & Monthly Updates on all Compliances: This feature notifies you of any vulnerabilities that may appear on your website and sends monthly updates to keep you informed of any new compliance requirements.
  • Website Fingerprinting, SSL & Configuration Issues Compliance: This feature ensures your website is fingerprint-proof, SSL compliant, and free of any configuration issues.
  • WordPress Universal, Policy Generators & Compliance Batches: This feature offers a Universal WordPress policy generator for GDPR and Cookie Consent requirements and batch compliance improving the efficiency of the website compliance process.
  • Right-to-be-Forgotten, Data Access, Breach Notification & Rectification – GDPR: This feature offers key GDPR requirements for the Right-to-Be-Forgotten, data access, breach notification, and rectification.

OTO 1: Unlimited Upgrade

  • Limitless Pages, Forms, & Users: This feature allows you to monitor an unlimited number of pages, forms, and users without any restriction.
  • Grow Your Business: With unlimited capabilities, you have the freedom to grow your business and scale your operations with ease.

OTO 2: Professional

  • Customizable Whitelabel Reports: This feature allows you to personalize every report with your business logo and create a professional image among your clients.
  • Unlimited Client Accounts: This feature offers you unlimited client accounts, which means you can add as many clients accounts as you like.

OTO 3: Enterprise

  • Ready-made Enterprise Website: This feature offers a readymade enterprise website complete with five-year hosting and DFY promotion videos.
  • TMA, CAA & OCP Features: This feature offers TMA (team management & access), CAA (collaborator access authorization), and OCP (object-oriented coding platform) features.

OTO 4: Social Agency 360

  • Stunning Graphics & Video Content: This feature offers an option to save your time by easily creating stunning graphics, video, and multimedia content with ease.
  • Automate Your Workflow: This feature automates your workflow and scales your social media agency effortlessly.

OTO 5: Agency Scale

  • Comprehensive AgencyCRM Platform: This feature offers a comprehensive Agency CRM platform that you can integrate with your existing tools.
  • Implementation Blueprints: Agency Scale offers implementation blueprints to enable you to streamline your process and scale your business with ease.

OTO 6: KoinCart

  • Accept Cryptocurrency Payments: This feature offers an opportunity to start accepting cryptocurrency payments, reducing transaction fees, and increasing your revenue.
  • Wide-Ranging Payment Options: With KoinCart, you can offer clients a wide range of payment options in preferred currencies.

How to Get the Marshal Bundle Deal? A step-by-step Guide

  1. Click on the red button at the top of this page
  2. This will take you to the JVZoo platform, where you can confirm the buy button.
  3. Verify the price of $297 before proceeding with the purchase.
  4. Once you have made the purchase, you will receive a mail containing a confirmation of your purchase and instructions on how to proceed.
  5. Since this is a web-based application, there is no need to download or install anything.
  6. After your purchase, log in to your customer panel at to find your purchase.
  7. Look for your Marshal bundle deal purchase, and you will be able to access all the features of the Front-end and OTOs that you have purchased.
  8. If you have any issues accessing the Marshal bundle deal after purchase, you can reach out to the Marshal support team for assistance.
  9. Do remember that the bundle comes with the front end and all the OTOs, so you get access to all features right after purchase.
  10. Take advantage of the step-by-step instructions provided to begin securing your website and ensuring compliance with global laws in no time at all.

Marshal Bundle vs OTOs: The Pricing Comparison

Marshal FunnelPrice
Unlimited UPGRADE$97/yr

Marshal Bundle deal offers the Marshal front-end and all OTOs for a one-time price of only $297, giving you a massive discount of over 26% ($105). That’s not all, you get to protect, secure and optimize your website for maximum performance. Upgrade today and start saving money! Payable price for the Marshal bundle deal – $297/year one-time.

Who is Marshal Bundle For?

If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution to make your website secure, compliant, and accessible, Marshal is the answer. Here are some people and businesses who could benefit from using the Marshal Bundle:

  • Small business owners who need help understanding global compliance laws such as ADA, GDPR, and more
  • Web developers and designers who want their websites to be secure and compliant with minimal technical effort
  • Businesses that want to increase their search engine rankings, drive long-term traffic, or offer protection services to other businesses for profits
  • Agencies looking for a readymade enterprise website, 5-year hosting, DFY promotion videos, and agency white labeling
  • Social media agencies that need help creating stunning graphics, videos, and multimedia content quickly
  • Businesses looking to streamline their workflow while scaling up operations with the AgencyCRM platform
  • Companies needing to accept cryptocurrency payments from customers with reduced transaction fees

The Pros and Cons of the Marshal Bundle Deal

Pros of Marshal Bundle Deal

  • Comprehensive package
  • One-time fee
  • Detailed security report
  • SEO compliance
  • Automated fixes
  • Legal compliance
  • Whitelabel reports
  • Unlimited pages/forms/users monitoring
  • Readymade Enterprise website & hosting with DFY videos
  • Cryptocurrency payment options

Cons of Marshal Bundle Deal

  • Yearly renewal fee

Marshal Bundle Deal – The Verdict

Websites are vulnerable to hacking, defacement, and data theft. Without the right security measures in place, businesses can face fines for violating global laws such as ADA, GDPR, and more. Search engine rankings also suffer when websites lack proper optimization and accessibility.

Marshal is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to protect their website from cyber threats and stay compliant with global laws. With Marshal’s patented technology, users can scan their website to generate a detailed report highlighting security, compliance, and SEO issues that need fixing.

The process is simple – find local businesses on Google Maps or use them on your own website; grab their website URL; scan the website with Marshal; reach out to the business owner with the generated report; and use Marshal’s step-by-step instructions and included WordPress plugin to fix any issues quickly and efficiently.

The unparalleled convenience of Marshal comes in handy for small businesses that don’t have the time or resources to find external help for their website security needs.

The one-time bundle offer from Marshal consists of its front end along with all its OTOs (one-time offers) like an unlimited upgrade, professional upgrade, enterprise upgrades, etc., making it easier to manage and save costs at the same time.

With features like vulnerability detection & protection, white-label reports & logo customization options, etc., users are guaranteed a secure web experience at competitive pricing.

From data access & breach notification compliance to customizable policy generators & multi-device scanning – Marshal offers comprehensive services that make it an ideal choice for all businesses looking for reliable cybersecurity solutions.

Marshal is a great tool that helps businesses protect their websites from malicious cyber threats while ensuring legal compliance with global regulations like ADA, GDPR, etc., apart from boosting search engine ranking by providing easy optimization & accessibility options – giving them peace of mind without breaking their budget!

Checkout More Bundle Deal Offer:

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